Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Update #2.

Hello ladies and gentlemen.

Vikady here, as you can probably see I am now a part of this blog. I can also see that some of you are questionable towards my loyalty and other fun shit like that. I'm not going to explain myself or shit like that, I'm only a part of this because Incognito told me to put every valuable information I dig up, up here. Reason? Because this place is safe. Yeah right bro, judging by your blog being hacked fuck knows how many times, veeeeery safe. But I guess that's why we have changed the password to a bunch of numbers, so no hacking.

But he does have a point, since this is the only properly safe place, because our Van can be broken into and the info can be easily wiped from our database. So yeah.

Sooo with that said, I guess...uh.

Yeah I dunno how to end these things, whatever bye.


  1. How could we not trust you after the many 'good things' we've heard about you. Because a person who intentionally gets involved with Slenderman isn't already all kinds of fucked up.

    1. Why thank you, thank you, appreciate the compliment.

    2. Then you must've read it wrong.

  2. To avoid awkwardness, don't read that comment I made on "The Meeting" insinuating you were a dick.

    Or, um... I'm sorry or something like that. You sirs stay safe now.

    1. Why you apologizing kiddo?

      I am a Dick, well maybe not a Dick, but I am an Asshole, and well I am kinda proud of it.

      So yah.

    2. What can I be? Can I be a shit? Assign me something.

      Anyway, obviously not everyone here is going to trust you off the bat, not that it seems to bother you. Me, well I guess I trust Incognito's judgement, he knows you and tends to have a clear head.
