Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Update #3

Hey mates, it's me again.

I'm afraid Incognito will be away for a couple of days, he left the town in order to meet with my source for some supplies, and by "supplies" I mean weapons. It's a long drive, not to mention the source is a very twitchy guy, Incognito doesn't quite know where to look for the guy, but I told him that he doesn't have to, you don't find that guy, that guy finds you, all you gotta is come to his home town. So yeah, Incognito's away for a while.

As I said before, Incognito told me to put any information here, so here goes.

I'm not sure if this is really that important, but this is something concerning the agency me and Incognito used to work for.You see Incognito gave me a bunch of blogs to read trough, one of them was called "Seeking Truth" I think. It was about a guy who was a cop and whatever, I don't really care. But what did strike from that blog, was the name of a certain person it had a connection to.

Fisk, an FBI agent, now a long time ago, when I was still working for the KGB, I swear I heard that name somewhere, but I can't put finger on where and who I heard it from. Trying real hard to remember where I heard it from, since it was a veeeeery long time ago, and if I forgot something like that, than obviously it was something of no importance to me. So yeah, there's that.


  1. Hey, can I hear the rest of the "two ladies walk into a confession booth..." joke?

    1. Pretty sure Incognito wouldn't like that, the mere mention of that situation puts a person on instant death row, no matter if that poor sap is an enemy, or a friend.

      It ain't really a joke, far from it, and telling it would compromise his identity, so no you can not.

    2. Did not mean to press that button. I am very very sorry sirs. :(

    3. I don't really care.

      But back at the time, it did make me sad, I don't like when someone fucks with my lil' bro.

    4. Wait a minute -- the mere mention?

      Well shittt. I'll start digging my grave.

    5. Chill, he ain't gonna hurt ya. He has a hard time killing kids that are proxies, don't get me wrong, he'll get the job done, but trust me, that is the only moment when his eyes come to life.

      He ain't gonna get pissed at ya because of that, he understands ya need help, and not a brooding, angry fuck face breathing down your neck, just because you got curious.

      He may be a monster, but he ain't a douchebag.

  2. What exactly are you getting out of any of this anyway? You sure seemed eager to join in on the fun. Why exactly?

    1. Reason #1: As Incognito noted, I love a challenge, I believe you people call it Masochism. I love when the odds are against me, I just love it, the feeling you get, when you realize your about to die? Amazing shit!

      Reason #2: While I may seem like an ass, and naturally I am an ass. I care about my lil' bro, while Incogny hates me, he has a reason for that. I don't hate him, I don't have a reason to hate him, he always remained a part of the family to me, even after he forced me to change my last name. And if I can help him any way I can, I'm sure as hell ready to do so.

      Reason #3: I love pissing people off.

    2. Well being a dumbass who likes getting into trouble isn't going to do you or your brother any favors.

    3. Babe, it ain't like I'm gonna go lookin' for trouble when it will compromise my bro's safety. I might be crazy, but I'm not stupid, you underestimate me.

      I will get myself in trouble, only when my bro is assured to have no negative results from that.

    4. Well keep in mind I only trust anyone as far as I can throw them, and I am keeping an eye on you.
